
看似容易, 就是一坨面团嘛, 但真正弄起来, 哪怕是一片一片轻轻地拉开, 我却被难倒了 :( 一坨面团还是要由经验老道的阿姨做好吃! *我举白旗* #lunch #meehoonkueh #dim #doitmyself #fun #experience :)

*burpppp* oh please excuse me! ;) #korean #dinner #yumms #family #love with @esther_leng @davidleng7 @hayab1224 ♥

Lunchië with the dearest friends @loh_joanne @esther_leng @gabriel_pok :) #Sunday#late#lunch#wongkok

Great afternoon spent with #sweetheart @angesong, talk & laugh a lot like crazy, but we are just being ourselves - and thats true #friends, no acting needed :) #coffee #cappuccino #desserts #blackforest #gateau #redbean #greentea #icecream #delicious ♥

#coffeetalk with my ♥ one @angesong :) #cappuccino #lavender #cafe #bistro #girlstalk #fun #joyful #iwantmore :)

The girl's @angesong #favourite #drink at #planB - #lychee #strawberry #smoothie #sweet but just for the #cute #kiddo like her! Haha.

#spicy #aglio #olio #spaghetti with #chicken #italian #brunch with my #favourite #girl @angesong at #planB #cafe #bangsar :)

#TousLesJours #TLJ #korean #bakery #bangsar #cafe #authentic #cozy #sweetpotatobread #yums :)

The reason to stay working at Tangkak. Haha! #yummy #lunch

#早安你好 #goodmorning :) So nice to have #angkukueh for #breakfast :D

#blessed #cellgroup #supper #awesome #GodIsLove #love #thankful♥

幸福就是如此地简单。#porridge for #lunch #today :)