My boy morning #breakfast request before off to #school #milk #coco crunch #eggs #sausage Gd Morning ๎Š๎€…

#dessert tonight snow white fungus ( suet er ) ๎Œธ#mydish #mystyle #myway #yum yummo

My son morning #breakfast #hotdog #bun ๎„ ๎ƒ๎…‡๎

#vegetarian fish bee-hoon soup for #breakfast today ๎€

#mydish #dessert of the day๎Œท#sweet #potato with barley ๎€Ž๎Œธ

Awesome kueh #dessert in town ๎€Ž๎€Ž๎€Ž

#pumpkin sago #cakes ๎Œฌ๎Œฎ๎Œฎ๎Œฎ

#mydish of the day! #organic tender #oat groats #dessert with you tell ( fried stick ) ๎€Ž๎Œฎ๎Œฎ๎Œฎ

Sister & brother bonding time๎…‘ whisking #eggs together ๎™