this is homemade, all natural and no preservatives ingredients

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a deep fried campignon mushroom served with light mayo

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a classic thin and crust pizza with tomato pizza sauce, shredded cheese, olives, thin slices beef meat, pepperonies, pineapple and many more, it's perfecto ๐Ÿ‘Œ

served with japanese green salad and mashed potato as a side dish and mushroom sauce.. the meat was soo tender and juicy, perfect medium rare grilled๐Ÿ‘Œ my fav's steak house so far ๐Ÿ˜˜

gyลซdon or known as japanese beef bowl, a thin slices fatty beef meat, cooked with yakiniku sauce, oishii! ^^

bokcoy+zucchini+pinneapple+pears+orange mixed together, surprisingly fresh!

duck marinated in sweet and spicey sauce, grill in charcoal fire and served with mango sambal

healthy juice with mango+orange+lots of carrots, and dont forget the ice cubes, yummy! ^^

fried catfish with a coconut milk, lemon grass and chili soup, twisted with boiled quails eggs

veggie n fruits mixed juice w/ bok coy, peeled carrot, pears, pineapple and orange ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘Œ

salmon sashimi with slices cucumber, sweet soy sauce and springkle of sesame on top