Stir fried shrimp. Chicken feet soup. At tapang horse meat. Exotic Sunday! #lunch

Oysters Rockefeller!! #foodporn #seafoodlove

Suman plus bundok ng Milo. Sarap! #breakfast

Danggit na pusit, spam at paksiw na lamang loob ulam sa masarap na sinangag!! Suuurrrpp! #breakfast

My kind of dinner. @jollieambhie sarap oh. Hihihi! #maki #dinner

Was quite a tough choice! I wanted to get everything, but you can only choose 3. Not bad for 150 peso worth of a huge bowl of noodles with shrimp, mushrooms and some sea urchin balls :) #foodporn

Syrupy breaky. Yum! Pancake!! Finally! Mehehe. 👍 #breakfast

Not bad. Not bad 👍😋 #tea

My fave Buko-love!! 😘❤ #healthyhealthyhan #breakfast

Just one of the funny scenes from #BigBangTheory 😂😅 #tea

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Don't you just love it when they get your name right? It's like, "damn! That shit is my coffee!" 👍👌😂 #coffee