Lemang & serunding for breakfast before solat raya #instafood #instafoodapp #instagood #food #foodporn #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #singapore #syawal #aidilfitri

The much hyped coconut ice cream from Bazaar Geylang...my verdict? Definitely overhyped! #instafood #instafoodapp #instagood #food #foodporn #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #singapore #night

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Baklava #instafood #instafoodapp #instagood #food #foodporn #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #singapore #bazaar #day #ramadan #baklava

Tiramisu cake #instafood #instafoodapp #instagood #food #foodporn #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #singapore #night #iftar #ramadan

All the foods i like at tadarus at Hj Yusoff's place - sabsuka, roti kirai & nasi bukhari #insplaceus #insplaceusapp #photooftheday #picoftheday #photo #photoapp #pic #place #placeapp #food #foodporn #iftar #ramadan

#instaplace #instaplaceapp #instagood #photooftheday #instamood #picoftheday #instadaily #photo #instacool #instapic #picture #pic @instaplacemobi #place #earth #world #singapore #SG #singapore #zamzammurtabak #street #night #food #foodporn #iftar #ramadan

Aspirasi Chicken Rice Masak Merah #instafood #instafoodapp #instagood #food #foodporn #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #singapore #night #iftar #ramadan

You're hot & you're cold... #instafood #instafoodapp #instagood #food #foodporn #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #singapore #singapore #night

Sub. #instafood #instafoodapp #instagood #food #foodporn #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #singapore #night #subway #iftar #ramadan

Good old-fashion nasi lemak bungkus 'Manja' for sahur #instafood #instafoodapp #instagood #food #foodporn #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #singapore #day #sahur #breakfast

Roti John #instafood #instafoodapp #instagood #food #foodporn #photooftheday #picoftheday #instadaily #singapore #spizesimpangbedok #day #iftar