Dinuuurr:) peyboorriittttt😅😜😂 #foodstagram #instafood

Cookies and cream in 3 minutes!:) #ganyanmagdiet #instafood

Blueberry creamcheese♡ #instafood #foodstagram

Carb overload!haha midnight snack at its finest😂😜👌 #delivery #ganyanmagdiet #foodporn

Cheesecake addiction! Ahhhhh ♡ #instafood

Dinner! We're here again hehe aawww. Miss you lavi and dale :( #singaporefoodstreet #sadfacepa #foodie #ganyanmagdiet #postakongpost #kaazar haha

Before watching she's the one haha @beaalonzo 😝😅😂 #foodie #feelingclose

Yummers!♥ #foodie #foodstagram #instafood @anikacadavida

Calamari. #foodie

Tastes like ferrero!💕😉👌 #foodie #sweettooth

Dinner after a long and tiring day♥ weeeeeee!:))))) #tacobell #food #foodstagram

Spicy mayo is love! Bonchon Addicts. Haha. #food #foodstagram #instafood