Lot S313, Second Floor, 1 Utama Shopping Centre (New Wing)
Bandar Utama
Petaling Jaya 47800
10:00am - 10:00pm
Enjoy dining without burning a hole in your pocket, no membership required
Japanese Matcha Cheese Crema - RM11
Lemon Black Tea - RM6.50
It was on promotion! Buy any drink at normal price and get the drink or the day (Japanese Matcha Cheese Crema) at RM1!
So we ended up buying the Lemon Black Tea out of simplicity and curiosity, and bought the Japanese Matcha Cheese Crema at RM1!
Japanese Matcha Cheese Crema, their cheese was thick and slightly salty. I'm assuming the green dusting on top is Matcha Powder.
Lemon Black Tea, the tea was sour because of the lemon but after a few sips it was quite refreshing.
When did the cheese tart craze entered Malaysia? Who's complaining anyway, I'm glad it did. To date, I've only tried the ones from Tokyo Secret & Hokkaido Baked Cheese Tart, though I personally prefer Tokyo Secret cheese tarts over Hokkaido's, maybe because it's harder for me to get them (there's Hokkaido Baked Cheese Tart at the mall below my workplace 😅). The grass is always greener on the other side, yes?
I personally love cheese, so this was a hit with me. I love it. At 7.90 per piece, it did taste pretty good. Will I go back? Definitely, though I can't eat too much of it at one sitting. I have yet to try it differently though, I'd love to. So if I keep it in the freezer, will it come out as ice cream? 😂
Well, I buy into the hype. I'll admit that right now. I was willing to go against my entire diet plan and it was sooooo worth it. Read about it on www.foodievstheworld.com now!
Very soft & delightful
"很暖很暖❤ 應該不是因為發燒而溫暖的感覺😂 今天是個good hair day, 一種燒到頭髮變柔順的概念 😏😂 ▪
昨晚吃Teochew Muay, 今天也剛吃muay. Not that I don't like muay but 沒有辣的,沒有蛋,沒有雞肉你要我怎麼活😷 要咳出腹肌來了,幸好有TS咳嗽藥水。