@nudedles.4 has been on my ‘to try’ list ever since it opened, but I always put it off for newer, flashier options. Well, it’s almost too late now, and I frantically made time to FINALLY try the pasta before Nudedles closes shop for good. And now I’m kicking myself for constantly procrastinating.⠀

The Lobster Bisque ($9) pasta is an incredible steal for just under ten bucks flat. A trio of (mostly) de-shelled prawns, a couple of clams, a lone mussel and several slices of squid are mixed in with the eponymous lobster bisque sauce base and linguine. The linguine is done al dente, with a nice spring to each noodle. The abundant clams, prawns & squid were all fantastically fresh, with only the mussel being a day past its freshest.⠀

However, none of those aforementioned components would’ve meant a thing if it weren’t for that luxurious lobster bisque. That bisque is the essence of a dozens of lobsters expressed into a rich, redolent reddish orange liquid. As you might expect, the bisque is utterly umami and absolutely intoxicating. Each bisque slicked strand of linguine, each bisque coated piece of seafood, and each spoonful of that liquid gold will max out your palate pleasure and make you miss Nudedles dearly.⠀

Don’t be a chump like me, get out there and try all the food you want to before they decide to pack it in.