Ever since I found out that Sinpopo sold salted egg cookies back in like 2017 or something, I've been wanting to try them so bad but that price tag was a super effective repellent. However, since there was a set offer of $19.90 with a tub of kaya, I decided to finally get it.

The cookies are super small and quite crumbly, with curry leaves stacked on every layer of the container. You know the little salted egg crumbles you get in a pack of Irvin's chips? It basically tastes like that in cookie form, just that it's distinctively sweeter. There is a pretty nice and strong salted egg flavour to it, unlike those cheap neighbourhood kinds that have barely any salted egg flavour at all. The taste of the cookie and the curry leaves continue to linger in the mouth even minutes after eating it, which is a good sign to me 😛

Glad that I finally got to try these cookies and YES they are good, but I would never ever pay $18 for such a small tub. So while it was a good experience, I wouldn't get it again.

⭐ Rating: 9/10 jar jar binkses
🤑 worth the price: no
🦖 would I buy again: not for $18, never lmao
💍 would I marry: yess

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