Lavender bakery is the equivalent of breaktalk in Singapore but their breads are definitely much superior.

This cranberry flaxseed artisan bread was crusty on the outside and moist and chewy on the inside . The bread comes in a paper bag with very specific instructions on how you should carefully toast your bread for the maximum enjoyment - I haven’t seen this degree of seriousness in any bakeries in Singapore so far - not even the artisan ones .

High quality French flour , plump cranberries and nutritious flaxseeds and with lots of love and care in proofing the bread.

In sgd dollars , this sizeable loaf was only about 3 dollars plus. It is less of the price ( although really really affordable ) that attracts me but more so the superior quality and taste .

Thankful for a Cousin Who bought this bread back for me . I should get a bus load of it back the next round 😝.