The classic ($9.90) Le Castella reminds of steamed egg cake. Light, airy and a slight moist, its spongy texture is similar to a chiffon cake. Uniformly sweet, it wafts a richer and delicate eggy fragrance. The soft brown sides around fluffy thick and jiggly add an enjoyable aroma of baked goodness. If that sounds too bland, the flavour of this cheese ($11.90) one, however, sandwiches two layers of sharp and savoury cheddar that adds density to the middle and bottom. Balancing the mildly sweet taste with subtle but delectable saltiness, I know I’m for the cheese castella.
Would more cheese make it lovelier though? I wouldn’t mind decadence for stronger taste.
The fluffy and puffy piping hot from the oven will sink and lose its wobbly charm as it quickly cools. The cheddar in their cheese-flavoured pillows could be less modest and has to be eaten piping hot to feel its gooey ooze. Maybe give it half a minute in the microwave.
It’s simple and fairly tasty for breakfast or a teatime cake but maybe wait till the hype dies down — or get lucky like the boy — to buy a slice.
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