So a friend was craving prata but Sin Ming Prata was closed. 💔 While perusing the super extensive menu here, I had my eyes (almost) set on the Milo Butter (!!) Prata, but got swayed by the staff's recommendation. I love well-balanced sweet-savoury combinations, so I decided to give this a go.

I dug right into the middle to reveal an enticing melted cheese and kaya swirl, but was surprised by the cloying flavours, not to mention a margarine-like aftertaste. I ended up squeezing a bit of the filling till I found a good crispy prata to filling ratio I was happy with. Do avoid the thicker parts of the prata to avoid chewy, uncooked dough.

I probably won't order this again (or anything with "butter") and just stick to my plaster default).